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Accounting Jobs and Finance Jobs

UK based Accounting, Banking and Finance job board, containing jobs for Accountants, Banking, and Financial professionals.


Pharmaceutical informational resources and careers advice for those seeking a sales position within the UK Pharmaceutical Industry.


a unique Job search site which links up recruitment agencies and employers across the country to find jobs for you in your local area.


Worldwide careers in the earth sciences and related areas.

Freelance Work Exchange

Provides access to a wealth of freelance jobs and resources. Visitors can receive a Free report on the top markets, a course of market tips and a twice-weekly Freelance Job Report.


Specializes in providing career information including job and resume database services to job candidates, employers and recruitment firms in the U.S. and worldwide.

Master of Writing Resumes

A comprehensive "how to" site for writing resumes and cover letters. Complete with industry specific tips.

New World Cruise Employment Agency

Cruise Ship Jobs! Complete listings of available shipboard positions, requirements and salary ranges. Online application form.


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